This battery makes my EVO nearly perfect. I no longer have to worry about battery levels throughout the day & evening of normal daily use. In fact, I performed a torture test recently by running Google Latitude with constant updates with the GPS, 4G on & Wifi on with serious Angry Birds playing, youtubing & NY Times reading going on while I rode the Amtrak through areas with very spotty cellular coverage (another big batter drain) from Essex Jct, VT to Meriden, CT...over 7+ hours of extreme torturous use. This is a very extreme test but the battery passed. In addition, I ride my motorcycle for several hours around Vermont on the weekends and the stock EVO battery would always get uncomfortably low while I took many pictures & uploaded via spotty non-3G cellular coverage in the rural countryside where I ride. Now, my EVO battery level is no longer a concern when I ride. In fact, I feel comfortable leaving my GPS on to map my rides through Vermont & Adirondacks now.
The only drawback, a minor one, is the added thickness & weight to the phone. Completely outweighed by the benefits of the much longer battery life. Because of the weight & thickness, I found the benefits of a wireless headset to be more appreciated. If I could, I will substract a 0.33 star from the perfect score. In addition, not a lot of cases, I bought an inexpensive gel cover and cut out the back with an exacto knife to fit around the battery. Actually, looks pretty good & works well.
For normal use, I leave the 4G & GPS off and now battery level is never a concern. I only ever think about plugging in when I go to sleep at night. If I forget, no worries, still plenty of charge the next morning, about 30%. Again...the extended battery removes the stress & worry of everyday EVO use.
My EVO is now no longer attached to a charging cable during idle times during the day. Perfect. Read More Reiew CLICK HERE