This review is from: Samsung Captivate i897 Epic 4G SPH-D700 Vibrant T959 Focus I917 Cetus EB575152VA BSTD Li-Ion OEM Cell Phone Battery (1500 mAh) (Wireless Phone Accessory) on amazon.
I recently bought a Samsung Captivate and love it. However, it is a smart phone and the battery only lasts about a day on one charge. The nice thing about the phone is that you can buy spare batteries!!! How cool is that.
Not only that, I can upgrade the memory in seconds with a MicroSD card (which I'm also buying on Amazon). It's so cool that a company won't try and gouge you with upgrade costs and try and hold you up against the wall, because let's face, once you have a smart phone, you can't go back.
The product is an excellent solution to an otherwise very annoying problem. Now, I know people say that other phones have better batteries, that last longer, but I ask them this question, "When your battery dies, can you pop in another?" And I can say yes. Read More Samsung Captivate i897, Epic 4G, SPH-D700, Vibrant T959, Focus I917, Cetus, EB575152VA BSTD Li-Ion OEM Cell Phone Battery CLICK HERE