
Monday, June 4, 2012

Printing Web Pages With Motoprint

You want printing web pages with motoprint?, if you want printing web page with motoprint, you must download motoprint app download, and you must have phone Motorola with motoprint supported printers, this motoprint download atrix avaliable and motoprint for xoom 4g too. .

What is Motoprint?.
MotoPrint is the printing application that allows you to print content directly from your Motorola Mobile Device.

MotoPrint connects to the following types of printers over a WiFi network or USB cable via your device dock: :
- Most Postscript and PCL6 Laser Printers
- Most HP Printers (Must Support PCL3 GUI Category 10)
- Most Epson Printers (Must Support ESC/P-R)

If your printer is not supported, you can connect to most printers over WiFi via your Windows PC.
With MotoPrint you can print the following:
- Photos
- Emails
- Microsoft Office Documents
- Calendar Events
- Contacts
- WebPages

The following requires Android 3.0 or above
- USB Support
- Printing WebPages
- Printing data Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel without the aid of a PC
- PCL6 printer support

This Motorola print applications support Droid XYBOARD 8.2 and Droid RAZR

And to download MotoPrint on your Motorola Xoom, search the Android Market for “MotoPrint for Xoom”

Download MotoPrint Here.