
Monday, May 2, 2011


Coby Kyros MID7015 Android Tablet – Ultimate beginners guide on how to – Root your tablet, install, Clockworkmod Recovery to do a complete systems backup , and then install Google Market.

This guide is written for new users who have NO experience with the Android OS or this device. I do not take credit for the patches/fixes. I am just documenting the process to make it easier for new Kyros tablet users.

Intro Steps Coby Kyros MID7015 Android Tablet – Ultimate beginners guide on how to – Root your tablet, install, Clockworkmod Recovery to do a complete systems backup , and then install Google Market.
1. Put your device in USB Debugging mode.
From the main menu, press Settings, Applications, make sure Unknown sources is checked.
Press Development,and make sure that USB Debugging is enabled.

2. Turn on your WIFI by going to Settings, Wireless & Networks, check WIFI,and then Wi-Fi settings.
Select your Wi-Fi access point.

3. Open AppsLib,press the search hour glass icon,and type File Manager and press Search. I like the File Manager by mmaapp. Install it. Close AppsLib

Rooting your Tablet
By rooting, what they mean is that you will have full control over all of the files and folders on your tablet. This is a good and a bad thing. It is good because we can add programs. It is also bad because you can delete files that you shouldn’t…meaning you could kill your tablet if you mess around.
1. From your PC, download z4Root and copy it to your micro SD card. Z4Root can be found here:
2. Put the sd card in your Kyros, and open File Manager.
3. In File Manager, Press SD card, then press z4root.x.x.x.apk (x indicates the version number), and press install.
4. Press Open
5. Z4Root will open. Press Permanent Root. Once it is done rooting, it will reboot your Kyros.

Installing the Windows software and ADB drivers
1. Download and install The Java Development Kit 6here (you will need to register on their site first):
2. Download and unzip the file to the C: drive on your computer.
3. Go to the android-sdk-windows folder that you unzipped
4. Launch SDKManager.exe
5. Under choose which package to install, click accept all. As a part of what it is downloading, it will download the Android USB drivers. This part will probably take like 30 minutes or more to complete.
6. Once the download is done, close the SDK Manager.
7. You should now see a folder called usb_driver. Open that folder.
8. You will see a file called android_winusb.inf. Open that file in notepad.
--- Alternatively you can just download an android_winusb.inf file with all of the modifications already done here: android_winusb.inf

--- You would then just copy over the original android_winusb.inf file in your \android-sdk-windows\usb_driver folder.
--- Once the file is over written, skip to step 12

9. Right underneath the section labeled [Google.NTx86] paste in the following:

%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED&MI_01
; Android Eclair
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C01
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C02&MI_01
%SingleBootLoaderInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0FFF

10. Right underneath the section labeled [Google.NTamd64] paste in the following:
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED&MI_01

---- Note --- Thanks goes to phygman at XDA-Developers and lschroeder at for the code here to get the ADB driver working in XP
11. Save the changes in the android_winusb.inf file
12. Plug in your Kyros device. Windows will still not find the driver for the device, but go into the Device manager, and select AndroidEclair, and update driver, browse my computer, let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.
13. Click "Have Disk" and browse to the c:\android-sdk-windows\usb_driver folder. Double click on android_winusb.inf.
14. Select Android ADB Interface.
15. It will then come up with some messages about this is unsigned or something, are you sure you want to do this, click yes or continue.

Then it will install the driver and detect the kyros.
Installing ClockworkMod Recovery to back up your Kyros.
1. On your pc, download recovery.img and place it on the root folder of your sd card (\)
Recovery.img can be found here: vkv6yz
2. Put the sd card back into the tablet and then plug the usb cable into the tablet, and then your pc. Make sure your tablet is powered on.
3. Open the Command Prompt in windows (cmd.exe)
4. Go to the android-sdk-windows\tools folder. Since I placed the android-sdk-windows folder on the root of my c drive, I typed cd\android-sdk-windows\tools and pressed enter.
5. Type adb shell and press enter.
6. Type su and press enter.
7. Type flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img and press enter.
8. Press and hold the CTRL button, then press C.
9. Type adb reboot recovery and press enter.
10. Your Kyros tablet will reboot. Clockwork Mod Recovery will then load.
When Navigating through ClockworkMod Recovery, here are the keys:

Home is down
Menu is select
Back is back

11. Press the Home button until backup and restore is highlighted and press Menu.
12. Backup should already be selected. Press Menu.
13. It will now do a complete system backup. This is ESSENTIAL as it is VERY easy to play around and break your Kyros to the point that it is useless.
14. It will say “Backup complete” once the backup is done.
15. Reboot system now should be highlighted. Press Menu to reboot.

Installing Google Marketplace in tablet.
1. Remove your sd card and put it back in your pc. Download the file and place it on the root of your sd card (\).
The file can be downloaded here: mjmmfmm0jez
2. Connect the usb cable to the Kyros and the pc.
3. Put the sd card back into the tablet and then plug the usb cable into the tablet, and then your pc. Make sure your tablet is powered on.
4. Open the Command Prompt in windows (cmd.exe)
5. Go to the android-sdk-windows\tools folder. Since I placed the android-sdk-windows folder on the root of my c drive, I typed cd\android-sdk-windows\tools and pressed enter.
6. Type adb reboot recovery and press enter.
7. It will boot into the ClockworkMod Recovery menu.
8. Press Home until install zip from sd card is selected and press menu.
9. Press Home until choose zip from sd card is selected and press menu.
10. Press Home until is selected and press Menu.
11. Press Home until Yes – Install is selected and press Menu.
12. It will then install the Google Market.
13. Once the install is done, it will say Install from sd card complete.
14. Press the back button
15. Reboot system now should be highlighted. Press Menu.
16. It will reboot the Kyros. You will see a Wizard appear. Go through the Wizard
17. You now have the Android Marketplace installed on your Kyros.

I would also recommend installing the AppBrain app from the Google Market. It gives you the ability to install more apps then just the Google Market alone.

by Jason Andreas.
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