This review is from: BlackBerry 8520 Unlocked Phone with 2 MP Camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi--International Version with No Warranty (Black) (Wireless Phone Accessory) by pinknblu "jenn" on Amazon.
I gave it a four because when I first got it, it took me time to see and get used to the keys because they are kind-of small. If you want bigger buttons get 8330, my sister has one, wish I could switch with hers, but mine is newer and no tracking ball, which I really like to.. about this phone. Its sleek and easy to navigate..Before I had this one I had the 8120, ah--big difference the charge on 8520 last longer and takes a little time to charge up, but its worth it. Also, the keys I wished lighted up a bit brighter, BUT like I said once you have it after a few days you get used to it. My one problem with as I am thinking off the top of my head there are not enough apps to go with or themes made for this model.
I am a geek for that, but as of now I have been able to download a few off my blackberry 8120 to my 8520.
Also, checking around i was able to get a few more themes, that are just awesome. The 2gb memory card that comes with it I took out and put in my 4gb from my 8120 in it. I read somewhere it can go to 16gb and pretty soon it will go 34gb...its in the works now.
I will say the quality in web browsing is GREAT and I have had no problems with dropped calls, lost signal, or getting frustrated with where are the keys for texting; all the numbers are on the left side..feels weird but after a day or so, it works better than my other blkberry which was the 8120.
Also there's a dictionary to while your texting, a is just way better than I expected. If I go all over, I apologize, I am giving you want I can tell you about this product as I'm writing I'm having a
Now if your a geek like me with apps, there aren't that many games for this Rim..I am waiting for new apps to become more available for my phone for some reason, 8320 has the most..kind-of peeves me at times, wen I am looking around as to adding to my phone but..this phone is pretty easy compared to my 8120. If you want to know anything else, ask..I will answer.
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